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- ;This file is part of the Object to Coff (O2C) package!
- ;------------------------------------------------------
- p386
- ideal
- model flat,C
- dataseg
- extrn TextjeC: dataptr
- extrn rawexdata3: dataptr
- codeseg
- extrn printf: proc
- public PrintTextC
- proc PrintTextC
- push offset TextjeC
- call printf
- add sp,4
- ret
- endp PrintTextC
- public PrintTextAsm
- proc PrintTextAsm
- push offset rawexdata3
- call printf
- add sp,4
- ret
- endp PrintTextAsm
- public StrCaseSwap
- proc StrCaseSwap
- arg StrPtr: dword
- mov esi,[dword StrPtr]
- mov edi,esi
- @@lp1: lodsb
- and al,al
- jz @@end
- cmp al,'A'
- jc @@skip
- xor al,20h
- @@skip: stosb
- jmp @@lp1
- @@end: ret
- endp StrCaseSwap
- end